All posts by hazalaltunoglu

Gezi Park Resistance Or Possibility Of Social Solidarity

Turkey has always a complex surface about resistance. People never could compound together from different thoughts. The resistances usually were arranged by a certain political ideology. After this period Turkey forced to produce nonpolitical, noncritical groups of population. The group can be described as %70 of it. In this situation, neoliberal economical profits could seep into society and the elections easily. Retrogression was achieved succesfully that AKP could won tree elections. Intent of the government can be seen in last 5 years clearly by society. Especially the 2 years, AKP government started to act by repressive mindset and interfere people’s personal lives. Also Commodifying the whole city with shopping malls, residences run up by proponent companies. So, the situation made Istanbul a disaster because the city is structured by othering. Economical status quo can easily seen. The C2 and D category of social-economical groups are forced to go to suburbans(e.g Toki Apartments)

Gezi Park resistance was the last point that sociey came. The motivation is collected from Haydarpaşa, Cinema of Emek and Bazaar of Kadıköy Kuşdili, anti-abortion implementations etc. Police brutality is always existed but in Gezi, it has a different feature that police assaulted to people who sleep in their tents in 4 am. Since this event, police did not stop the attack and it became more and more brutal. Nevertheless, the resisters do not answer this torture with physical attack. They use humor and cooperation with other groups, they created a calmy land on Gezi Park and nobody went their home. People started to feel themselves so safe with other people and these experience give a chance people not to scare from anything. Nationalists was next to the socialist one, and when they affected from the gass, they help them until the last minute.

The writer give a place on his article to Charles Tilly’s quotation “ In a resistance, symbols are effective as well as political resources” Gezi Resistance can create their own ideology, so we can see it using media tools and documentaries and symbols. The resistance has its own symbols, so it is a significant part of a thought that can come to existance and also it became very naturally.

The resistance potentiated that the people notice that they live in a country which is must be liberated and democracy never come this lands. Collectivism was achieved very succesfully and hopes became more than the past. Gezi could change route of Turkey’s media and the elections. In my opinion, the most important thing is everybody started to say what was i listen, watch is a whole lie and i am embrassed from my beliefs that comes from the mass media.



Digital Zapatistas

Reflection 3

Every cultural societies have an overload point in terms of problems of ideologies. Especially in neoliberalism. We can see the issue clearly in Mexico, also in Turkey. I saw many similarities between of these countries. Even the movements’ periods are the same(1968-60, 1980) these type of countries used to be forced ruined by the government literally in a long term. Because they has a huge complicated cultural relations and needs. Combining these groups in a democratic movement has to be done naturally. People should want to choose this way to go. So it is the most impossible way to solve. Internet has no limitation like traditional media whereas it has no fairless or equality like traditional media. Popular websites are belongs to ruler media stations’ websites. But the limitless prilivege could provide to reach the large masses in effectually.

Digital Zapatistas is the most melodious movement that i have ever heard (except Gezi park Movement..) converting a riot to unarmed way must have creativity. I believe that bombing Mexican Army with paper airplanes in Chiapas is the most powerful language in militaristic tactics. The movement has a potential to be sustainable, besides we can see that it has continued since 1994.  Zapatista Movement has a chance to break the boundaries of activeness. It means that if you want to become a part of a riot and you want to become effective in it, you should do it in active way or physically. But Digital Zapatistas achieved to destroy the difference between passive and active resistance. Because the past must be resolved with new opportunities.

Measureless monitoring and atrocity should be examined in a tactical way. Hackery is the most intelligent way of revolting. Hacking a government’s organ’s website and uncovering the secrets about corruptions etc. is more persuasive and viral as well. Usage of internet in this way cannot be denied easily. Thus, you can be big as the government even if you do not have army or, guns like them.



Disquiet and despair: the gender sub-texts of the ‘Arab spring’

Reflection #2


Disquiet and despair: the gender sub-texts of the ‘Arab spring’


Arap spring is known as the biggest social movement in 21.century. The movement has started from Tunusia and spread to nowadays since 2010. This movement’s conditions related to unemployment, bad life standart, absence of  freedom of expression etc. So where is the women’s rights in this movement? The author emphasize her topic as “ scream” in my opinion it seems like screaming middle of the issue as well.

Nobody can deny the fact that women’s right and freedom is always in danger and the biggest problem of this region for dozens of years because of historical, colonial, religious and patriarchal backgrounds. This movement was combined with “democratic” and “social movement” words. The movement was succeeded in some crucial areas in practical way, but it could not actually. Generally, the armies defeated the governments in Tunusia, Yemen and Egypt. The feminist communities whose are working for women’s right in these countries, they started to give up their hopes because of rapes, abuses and harrasments during the riots. Also after the new parties on governments they did not change anything about Women’s Rights, besides they limited more than the past. Perception of freedom is not understood by these societies because of patriarchal and Islam thoughts and they are widely open to be manipulated. The governments that came to the fore are totally based on Islamic understanding, so it does not cause any difference about women’s place in the society. Many women are forced to chastity tests because of they want to show themselves in Tahrir Square and the other places for their rights. Police violence against to women in Egypt is legalized by new government. The rate of rape in the countries is increased in contrat to before the movement.

“Is there a Democratic Paradox?” The author asks. This whole thing is a huge paradox and it is not fit to spring or any kind of pretty words. Because in Middle Eastern people get used to see the blood which is made normal by Islamic, Shariah Law. In this sense, humanity is the last thing we can speak in there. If you want to get over the injustice, you should encounter blood and guns. In Turkey, it reminds me execution of Konca Kuriş(She was Feminist Islamic writer). She wanted to show up interpreting the Kur’an should not be dogmatically. After her these comments, Hezbollah executed her the way of Shariah in Konya. Speech of freedom as a woman caused hatespeech in these patriarchal societies. The countries are exposed to religious mindset because reverse of this cannot be useful for somebodies.

Women’s right are still locked in their homes and man’s ego satisfaction so that Arap spring did not change anything and it is not the name of freedom unfourtunately. Being an undependent country is possible to release people’s minds and bodies. Problems in economy and the other sections happens by the reason of creating passive citizens. For these reason, liberalization of women refers to the whole freedom.


A Virtual World is Possible

Reflection #1

“A Virtual World is Possible

From Tactical Media to Digital Multitudes.

Geert Lovink &Florian Schneider – OCT 22, 2002


Firstly, I agree with the writers  on the argument thar the virtual world is possible. It is possible but the question is “how can we handle it?”.  Because the Internet is an invention which is compressing or collecting functions of traditional media in itself. So, we have many access to do anything whereas we have problem of noises. Internet and its virtuality can cause many noises in communication process. Otherwise, it is the best way we can share our arguments, thoughts, ideas about society without taking the approval from government regulatories. It is not like traditional media such as Tv, radio or print news where the whole writing and editorial process is very much bounded with the political economic boundaries of media ownership or conglomeration. The whole control is in our hands, we can open or close whatever we want. So, the manufacture of consent is perhaps less likely to emerge.

The writer asks “ How long can a movement grow and stay virtual?” Contemporary movements tend to be exemplary. Permanency for a movement is a hard task to reach. So we should find some solutions in this respect. Approaching protests as campaign can be one of the options.

For instance, in 2010, volcanic eruption occured in Rejkjavik, Iceland. By the way, the land’s economy is based on tourism completely. Because of the eruption, many people cancelled their vacations  there. Even the phenomenon affected world common aviation area so that people’s mind filled with the fear of volcano  and people hesitated to go there for any reason. Finally, citizens of Rejkjavik started a campaign which is called “Inspired By Iceland”. They created an amazing campaign on internet for zero cost. The campaign aimed to pull people’s fears down and make them to come to Iceland again. In result, Rejkjavik make 100% profit in 2012 by torism, the campaign could reach dozens of multitudes. This achievement happened thanks to Iceland’s society totally. To short, make durable movements in internet is possible, but the “how” question is the main and strategic point. Creating a virtual world should combine people’s mindset and relevant interfaces of movement and also apperency. It cannot stand isolation or the lack of communication.