The Zapatistas from the beginning, injustice and humiliation of five hundred years against the outputs and the autonomy of requests, neo-liberalism and NAFTA part and symbol that against imperialism worldwide current struggle organic vineyards say that.

January 1, 1994, known as the Zapatistas, Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) in Chiapas province of Mexico in the city of San Cristobal de las Casas has created a riot.

At first the Zapatista uprising appeared primarily to be a challenge to domestic policies in Mexico, those having to do with land and indigenous affairs. The EZLN did point to NAFTA as sounding a “death knell” for indigenous peoples, but their main orientation was towards gaining recognition and standing within the Mexican nation.

The state’s initial response sought to isolate the Zapatistas through a variety of means.

Beyond plunging the political system into crisis in Mexico, the Zapatista struggle has inspired and stimulated a wide variety of grassroots political efforts in many other countries. The most dramatic organizational efforts in which the Internet has played a central role have involved the joint cooperative efforts of the Zapatistas and those linked to them. 

Jill Lane

 writes that both involve a simulation of flight and attack that reverses the logic of military and social domination, suggesting a conflict between equals, an impossible fantasy in which the Zapatistas have an equipped air force.

 In January 2000 “the Zapatista Air Force” attacked the Mexican federal soldiers with paper airplanes. The paper airplanes flew through and over the barbed wire of the military encampment, each carrying a written “missile”- messages and poems for the soldiers.

Soldiers, we know that poverty has made you sell your lives and souls. I also am poor, as are millions. But you are worse off, for defending our exploiter

Ricardo Dominguez, a current professor of electronic civil disobedience at University of California-San Diego (UCSD), partnered with the Zapatistas in 1994 to “[develop] an intercontinental network of struggle and resistance.” (Dominguez) Dominguez along with others in 1998 co-founded the Electronic Disturbance Theater (EDT).

Also according to Dominguez, but in Jill Lane’s article entitled “Digital Zapatistas,”

“Resistance…can take one of three forms: physical, which would engage and possibly harm the hard- ware itself; syntactical (a favorite of hackers), which would involve changing the codes by which the machine functions—programming, software, design; and finally, semantic, which involves engaging and undermining the discursive norms and realities of the system as a whole. (Lane 136).

 Zapatistas spoke about the good government of Cuba is the only Latin American governments in the true sense because the only government they are considered to be anti-capitalist.



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